
Sunday, October 26, 2003


I am pretty sure I am moving. Didn't think this was gonna happen but I will be taking myself from the Upper West Side to the Lower East Side. Being around the law school heads all the time was kinda getting to me. Not that I don't love some of them, but it is like a job. Living three blocks from work hasn't been working for me. I spend too much time at home putzing around and not enough time there studying.

I would be paying less rent for a one bedroom apartment than I do for one bedroom in a three bedroom apartment share. Crazy huh....As for my friends, it'll give you a place to pre-party. You know we all hang out downtown anyway. As for my other friends...it'll give us a place to post-party.

My goal, is to start treating law school like a job. Commute up to work and then when I leave work at night I am done. I can go downtown and have my apartment be a creative space.

A big concern is that this will just enhance the division between Nina and Cristina. I need to learn how to bring more of my poet self to law school and more of my lawyerly self to my poetry.

The place is seven blocks from the Nuyoricans. So, hope it works out for me and I don't regret taking on the commute to Columbia.

Christmas Specials

Yes, two post in ones. There is a Christmas movie on TV. It is October 26. WTF?

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