
Sunday, January 25, 2004


I've been working on this project for work, and reading a lot of different legal opinions for school, that just really have me pissed off about the way the law stands on certain things. And rather than bitch, I figured I would give you an excerpt of a poem that describes how I feel.

"A Julia de Burgos" by Julia de Burgos (Just the last stanza, look it up if you want to read the rest).

"Cuando los multitudes corran alborotadas
dejando atras cenizas de injusticias quemadas,
y cuando con la tea de las siete virtudes,
tras los siete pecados, corran las multitudes,
contra ti, y contra todo lo injusto y lo inhumano,
yo ire en medio de ellas con la tea en la mano."

"When the mulititudes shall run rioting
leaving behind ashes of burned injustices,
and with the torch of the seven virtues,
the multitude will run after the seven sins,
against you and against everything unjust and inhuman,
I will be in their midst with the torch in my hand."

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