
Sunday, March 28, 2004

Breath slower

I ran my body into the ground by not taking care of it. I have a blood disorder so I knew that the smoking would catch up with me (and the not eatting right and not exercising) and it did. It caught up with me hard. However, after a day of sleeping I am feeling better.

I don't think I will ever invite people I don't know especially well to stay in my home again. It was an accumulation of events. The constant bickering got to me. I am not used to people who aren't positive.

Mostly it made me realize (for the one billionenth time) how wonderful my friends are. I am used to people with positive energies and you don't realize how positive your friends are till you are around some negatives.

All in all, I am looking forward to today. I have to study, but it is copyrights which I love. And I have decided that I am going to roast a chicken and try some new recipes. I am really looking forward to a day of meditation and rest. Life is beautiful.

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