
Tuesday, April 13, 2004

Side note before the other post
Life has been so good lately, that yesterday when I was wearing the red socks with the pink hearts that my older brother gave me I checked my email to find a poem from my baby brother about how much he loves me.
Tell me that isn't beautiful.

Really, I perform so I can get hit on

Lately I have had this internal debate about whether I want to keep performance poems as my focus or switch to writing. For me they are two different creative processes and I have a ton of poems I don't perform. I realize though, that if I stopped performing I will be cutting off an amazing avenue of pick up lines that provide amusing fodder for me and my friends.

My favorite line is, so, "why did you write that poem about me.?" It is kinda amusing when platonic guy friends say that, but I have heard that line from people who I have never met before. I think one day I am just gonna snap and in an amazingly erotic turning into completely manic voice say. No, I didn't write it about you, but I am performing it for you, cause I saw you in the audience and just picture this life with lots of babies cause i really don't wanna practice law and you seem like that type of guy who will just let me sit on my ass and take care of me while i just write poems about us and i don't think you would care if i gained a ton of weight cause my chuletas fritas are as good as my poems and all i wanna do is cook them for you so please please take me home. Hopefully the guy will run off before i even get to the chuleta part.

Last night I performed a Poem about Slavery called "The Santero's Granddaughter Receives a Vision in the Florida Panhandle." The piece really is about a vision I received and it took a bit out of me to do the poem. So, to get off stage and have some drunk guy stumble up to me was just not what I wanted to happen. There is a certain type of drunk that frightens me and I was already started to back away from this guy (Thank God he was small), but he stumbles up to me and starts telling me about how, "I really relate to you piece. Like really relate to it, cause I am Latin, but Central American but my cousins are Latin and you were the first girl up there and you are a Latina." He kept saying he related to the piece over and over. And I am wondering (but not saying), what exactly did you relate to in the piece. Do you receive visions? Have you been unwillingly whipped or raped? I mean really?... explain...But instead I handed him an Acentos flyer which distracted him enough for me to escape.

Saturday at Respect the Mic somebody whistled at me before I got on the stage and it was that annoying I like what I see whistle that I really thought people only did when they were joking, so I looked up to see if it was one of my friends but it wasn't....threw me off for a second and made it hard to get myself back into the proper place I needed to be for my poem. Just craziness.

All I can say, is if you are gonna hit on someone and use their poem as an avenue towards success at least pay attention to the poem and latch on to some part of it to make appropriate conversation BUT (and i got this story from one of my friends) if the piece is about how she is a lesbian and she is really in love with her partner...just let it go

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