
Tuesday, September 14, 2004

Follow Up....I guess (If you are a poet or improve artist and don't want to read about my life, please skip to the paragraph that starts "FYI")

Last night it really schocked me that RAC didn't know I was a law student. And I guess I shouldn't have been that shocked, she doesn't know me very well...really we have only talked about tattoosand kids. But I realized this morning as I laid in bed, where most of my realizations happen, that the reason it shocked me is that it really has become a huge part of my identity.

That interest me, because it is something that I never really wanted to happen. I was going to
be the "non-law student", law student. Inevitably law creeped into all aspects of my life, just like
poetry. I really can't count how many times Oscar has introed me with some reference to my
legal world or how many "one small question" my poet friends have had.

I think I want people to know about my lawyer portions because if they don't know, I can't help them. As much as I get annoyed when people pick my brain at inappropriate times (like at parties when I am having fun or at the back of bars when I am passed my second beer), there are times when it is welcomed (like at parties before the fun has started or in the back of bars before I have had my first beer...especially if you are buying my first beer).

FYI, I can't give legal advice but I can tell you stuff generally and in the spirit of general help I am thinking of making a booklet/guide titled "Copyright for Poets and Improve Artisit".
Basically it will be a way for you to get the answers to questions and will be rather general (so
that I can'tget sued for legal malpractice by someone relying on it a bit too much). A lot of times we think we are protected when we are not and I don't know how much that bothers some folks butI just wanna help. If you have any questions you would like me to cover please send me an

On a side note

Law school and John have really affected how I talk. I say what I mean, completely, honestly, no bullshit, always. However, I have found that people seem to hear either what they want to hear or what they expect to hear regardless of what I say. I've also found that people tend to say what they think you want to hear or expect to hear. That tends to put me in cross examination mode where I keep asking questions until I get the plainest most concise answer possible. It is an annoying habit and I am trying to rid myself of it BUT as to what I say, I've decided that since people hear what they want, I am going to say whatever I want without censorship (I have always said what I want before with mild censorship and now even that is going out the window). If I offend you, I am not sorry.

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