
Tuesday, January 18, 2005

A blog post on blogging

I have been happy of late to see that blogs are being mentioned often in the mainstream media. My favorite is when a main stream source will blame a blog for an inaccuracy. Really this makes me laugh because who knows who is really writing a blog. As to accuracy and integrity I think blogs probably rank higher than most news sources because at least bloggers are either a) honest about their political stance or b) so poor at pretending to be that which they are not it is fairly easy to read through the lines.

I've also realized that I have become too dependent on blogs when it comes to keeping track of my friends. If someone goes to long without posting I assume that they are sick or going through some life crisis or away. I rarely consider that maybe they just aren't posting.

Either way, this medium that people thought would be a fad is truly changing the world and I love it love it love it. From the stupidest depressed teenager blog to the most unoriginal "I write shit everyone else writes about blog" I love more information being out there.

I really need to get an I Love Blogs T-shirt

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