
Friday, February 04, 2005

Okay Okay, this is the point where I am reminded I am "from the city"

Last week a 7 year old girl was killed in Highland Falls. Her body was found in a boys bathroom about an hour after her father dropped her off for school (she was stabbed multiple times). The father is black and a "former" drug dealer. His father is a former chief of police or something like that. The child's father was arrested for her murder.

But to me (and my mom and my cousin) somethings just don't add up. So here is the theory, at least in this house; we dont' think that he killed his daughter. We do think that his daughter was probably killed to punish him for something he did to another dealer. (Living in the city in the 80s this was a bit more common than in the current decade Orange County). I think that the cops just don't want to get involved in one drug dealers retaliation on another and they are sliding it all under the table and to boot they will get to execute a black convicted criminal (the child's father).

The accussed is in prison and refuses to take his seizure medication and it has been ruled that he can't go to his daughters funeral. This is all very sad but my mother and I just keep wondering if the cops are even considering another drug dealer as a possible suspect.

But even then we must consider that not all things are conspiracy. Maybe there was a crazy janitor or student or third party of some sort that had no good reason (not tha tone exists) do commit such a terrible act. The truth remains that Cops take the easy target nine out of ten times. A drug dealer isn't a murderer, it is just someone who provides an illegal product with incredibly huge demand, which makes about 300 percent profit. One thing has nothing to do with the other, and growing up and living with and around drug dealers, both big weight and block pitchers it is also truth that shit doesn't usually extends to those extremes. You gotta do something really fucked to someone for them to consider doing something like that to you. I think there is a multitude of information that is being withheld and may interfere with the outcome of general opinion.
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