
Wednesday, June 08, 2005

In order of when i thought about it

1. The show "The Scholar" upsets me. It is a shame to begin with that ANY deserving high school student in this country has to struggle to get through college. To make a show, to turn their problem into our entertainment is rather repugnant to me. It trivializes the issue. John thinks at the end of the show they will all get scholarships. I don't know, if they did that there could only be one season of the show. Either way it is just sad that students have to complete to get what they already deserve.

2. Finding out about Victor Delgado's death pissed me off. There really is no way to describe it. I just wasn't expecting that, not that expectation makes those things easier BUT.....I just think God is getting greedy with the good people of late. So realizing that Victor enjoyed life and art up till the end. I got myself dressed went to a birthday party and had some fun and laughs. I told two friends and made them toast him with me. Then we went home and I got dressed in super Latin mode. White skirt, heels, it was all a bit much for the Tuesday open mic but I didn't care. I took the days events at a get out of jail free pass for the rest of my reading so today I have to catch up. It was worth it.

3. There is a Puerto Rican restaurant in Tallahassee called Don Julio's. It is three blocks away from my Bar/Bri class. I go there once a week and I think they have realized that I am forcing them to adopt me. It's really small and not fancy at all, but I sit watch TV drink Malta and chat in Spanish. It makes me happy.

4. As our culture's mesh John has discovered the reason why folks like coffee. A lifetime of American coffee didn't do his palate too well I guess. Been making Bustelo and homeboy has been drinking it without foam/syrup/tons of sugar. And I for one, am developing a sweet tea addiction.

5. After 3.5 hours of Bar/Bri yesterday my brain became so numb that I started giggling to myself whenever the teacher said "penal interest" I swear, it was like I was twelve. Gotta get ready to go back to bar/bri and I am kinda dragging this morning. Sigh .... it's only Wednesday :-/

I read your posts and wrote an email to John saying we should meet up at Don Julio's..then I got so hungry I decided to go there today. Well, it was closed, and the owner of one of the other shops said his (the owner of Don Julio's) mom went back to PR (she did all the cooking) and he just couldn't do it on his own. She said he tried for about three weeks and couldn't do it. I just thought I would share. I have to go cry now. :( Hopefully I will get to meet you soon...have heard lots of nice things about you. :)
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