Wednesday, December 14, 2005
Holiday/Tax Donations
As the holidays get closer I know some of you readers are of the type that donate money to your favorite causes. As the tax season draws to an end I know some of you want write offs. I just want to remind my dear readers that even though Katrina hit almost four months ago the gulf coast is still very jacked up. There are still lots of needs not being met. So, even though the gulf coast is no longer in your daily news please please don't forget it when it comes to donation time.
Also, for an interesting read on one life in current New Orleans please click on my link to Poppy Z. Brite's page (if it is not showing scroll down a bit, she is listed under people I wish I knew). Poppy Z. Brite is one of my favorite authors and the writing on her blog is extremely candid.
As the holidays get closer I know some of you readers are of the type that donate money to your favorite causes. As the tax season draws to an end I know some of you want write offs. I just want to remind my dear readers that even though Katrina hit almost four months ago the gulf coast is still very jacked up. There are still lots of needs not being met. So, even though the gulf coast is no longer in your daily news please please don't forget it when it comes to donation time.
Also, for an interesting read on one life in current New Orleans please click on my link to Poppy Z. Brite's page (if it is not showing scroll down a bit, she is listed under people I wish I knew). Poppy Z. Brite is one of my favorite authors and the writing on her blog is extremely candid.
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