
Monday, November 06, 2006


As much as I like to be alone, and as much as I need this as an artist--I have realized that, contrary to my logical beliefs, I am happier when I am around people. This past birthday weekend was fabolous. I acted like I was turning about 14 instead of 27 and maybe that is what made it so great.

The Lewis family joined me at the fair and it was soooo nice to spend time with the little Lewises. It's not often I get to hang out with my friends' kids and it was a great excuse to go through all the fun houses.

The, one of my long time friends came down from the ATL for the weekend. We didn't do anything blow your mind amazing, I think I had the most fun sitting around the house playing Balderdash and drinking (John makes the BEST drinks!).

Last night we had a boil at my house, joined by my in-laws who spoil me sooo much. Sitting around I just realized I am blessed. And, the people in my life are part of that blessing and I really should make more of an effort to bring more people in my life.

I think 27 is the year I start taking dance classes again.

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